Landscape Services

Landscape Design & Install

We design, install, and maintain ecologically productive landscapes that provide visual appeal, as well as creating inviting habitats for local wildlife.  We begin by listening to you to finding out the needs for a space.  Then we move forward in doing analysis of the property before deciding on course of action to create a landscape design.

Lawn Alternatives & Urban Gardens

Making the most of a small space can be challenging, but with proper planning any small or urban yard can be made to feel like a relaxing and calming space. Using a majority of edible plantings, including fruits, nuts, vegetables, and herbs, most lands can become a productive garden for humans and animal life.  Incorporating raised beds & containers for small areas, or producing a plan for a full landscape of edibles and native plantings, is key to every design plan.

Pruning and Maintenance

Cutting back shrubs and small trees is necessary in any type of landscape to ensure the sustained health of the plant material.  Before any pruning, there is an analysis of what the shrub or tree requires, then finding the best way of accomplishing that without diminishing the visual appeal.  Routine and remedial pruning helps a landscape stay healthy for many years.

Raised Beds & Containers

Whether using natural stone or wood timbers, we build for a long life. Our raised beds, containers, and soil berms are ready for all types of plantings.